✪ “The following seven bad habits will lead to the downfall of even a well-established king. Women, gambling, hunting, intoxicating drinks, use of harsh words, inflicting very harsh punishment for minor offences and misuse of the treasury.” ✪
✪ “One who is intoxicated, one who is not cautious or careful, one who is insane, one who is overcome by fatigue, one who is hungry, one who is in a hurry, one who is greedy, one who is full of fear and one who is lustful – these ten do not know what is dharma ( Their state of mind do not give them the capacity to distinguish between dharma and adharma.) Therefore the wise should avoid the company of such people.” ✪
✪ “One who is not overjoyed on his good fortune, does not enjoy the misfortune of others and having gifted a thing to someone later does not regrets his giving – such a person is said to be of very exemplary conduct and character.” ✪
✪ Dharma is protected by Truth, Learning is protected by Yoga , beauty is protected by cleanliness and the clan or family is protected by good conduct.✪
✪ “Who strive not for objects unattainable, grieve not for what lost and gone be, Who suffer not mind clouded amid mishap, have intellect with wisdom truly.” ✪
✪ “Who make not friends with sinful, lives not away from hope futilely, Who outrages not another's wife and betrays not arrogance surely; Who never commits any theft or never shows ingratitude certainly, And never indulges in drinking is a person who is always happy.” ✪
✪ “That king who forsakes lust, anger, bestows wealth to needy, Discriminates, is learned, active, is regarded as man of authority; Prosperity is attends on king who inspires confidence in others truly, Who punishes guilty in right measure, knows when to show mercy.” ✪
✪ “Who ignores not weak foe, with intellect waits for his opportunity, Who displays in season ability, with the stronger desires no hostility, Grieves not in calamity, applying all senses, patiently bearing misery, Is wise – foremost of persons and all his foes but vanquished do be.” ✪
✪ “Whose judgment dissociated from desire follows both virtue and gain only, Who ignores pleasure, chooses ends serviceable in both worlds - wise be.” ✪
✪“Who understands quickly, pursues objects with judgment,listens patiently, Wastes not breathe on others affairs possess foremost mark of wisdom truly.” ✪
✪ “They that exert to the best of their might, act also to the best of their ability, Who but disregards nothing as mere insignificant – is called wise definitely,” ✪
✪ “Whose proposed actions are never obstructed by heat, cold or prosperity, Or by the fear of attachment or adversity – is considered wise undoubtedly.” ✪
✪ “Whose intended acts, proposed counsels - remain concealed from enemies, Whose acts are known after they have been done – is considered wise only.” ✪
✪ “Who anger, nor joy, nor pride, nor false modesty, nor stupefaction, nor vanity, Can draw away from the high ends of life, is ever considered wise certainly.” ✪
✪ “The marks of wise men - adherence to acts, worrying not of any praise be, Rejection of what is blameable; in faith and reverence submerged absolutely.” ✪
✪ “That one is wise who does not deviate from the higher goals of life rooted as he is in Self-knowledge, Endeavour, forbearance and adherence to dharma.” ✪
✪ “That one is wise whose actions or endeavours are not obstructed by cold, heat, fear, love, affluence or poverty. “ ✪
✪ “That one is wise who does not hanker after the unattainable, who does not worry over what is lost and who faces calamities without losing his senses.” ✪
✪ “That one is wise whose endeavours are preceded by a firm commitment, who does not take long rests before the task is accomplished, who does not waste his time and who has control over his mind. “ ✪
✪ “That one is wise who does not rejoice when honoured, does not become dejected when dishonoured and is not swayed by emotions under the most trying circumstances.” ✪
✪ “That one is the greatest fool who finds fault with others when he himself has such faults and who gets angry when he himself has no control over the one at whom the anger is directed.” ✪
✪ “That one is of sterling conduct and character who does not inflame the enmity which has cooled down, is not conceited and at the same time is not self-deprecating, does not engage in wrongful actions on the ground that he is passing through a difficult period.” ✪
✪ “By doing two things, namely, not speaking harsh words and not flattering or giving respect to bad characters, one would shine in this world.” ✪
✪ “Intelligence, noble birth, control of the senses, learning, valour, control on speech (not being talkative), giving to others according to one’s capacity and gratefulness – these eight qualities adorn a person. “ ✪
✪ “O King! Control on speech is considered to be one of the most difficult things to achieve. In fact, one will not able to speak much that is pregnant with meaning and is expressed in picturesque language.” ✪
✪ “Goddess Lakshmi is always with people who keep their senses and mind under control, who punish wrong-doers, whose actions are preceded by a thorough examination of its pros and cons and who is of great determination.” ✪
✪ “This body is the chariot, buddhi (intellect) is the charioteer and the senses are the horses. One who controls all these travels happily in this world like the charioteer who has controlled the horses of the chariot.” ✪
✪ “Just like the uncontrolled horses will throw the unskilled charioteer to the ground, the senses which are not subdued and are not under control are capable of destroying a person.” ✪
✪ “One who forsakes dharma (virtue) and artha (matrial things) and is always under the control of his senses will soon lose his charm, his energy, his wealth and his wife. “ ✪
✪ “One should try to understand his real self by controlling his mind, intellect and the senses. The controlled mind is the friend of the self and the uncontrolled mind in the enemy of the self ✪
✪ These five will follow you wherever you go meaning you will find them wherever you go – friends, enemies, those who are neutral, those on whom you depend and those who depend on you. ✪
✪ One who desires to be prosperous and happy should give up these six faults , namely, excessive sleep, sluggishness, fear, anger, laziness and procrastination in decision-making. ✪
✪ These six are to abandoned by a man like a broken vessel (boat or ship) in the sea – the achaarya who does not teach, the ritwik who does not repeat the vedas, the king who does not protect his subjects, the wife who always says unpleasant things, the cowherd who does not want to go out of the village ( grama) (for grazing the cattle) and the barber who wants to go out into the forest. ✪
✪ These six qualities should never be abandoned – truthfulness, giving, not being lazy, not finding fault even in something good, forgiveness and determination or courage. ✪
✪ Having a steady inflow of money (income), an ever healthy body, a loving wife who always speaks what will cheer up the husband, an obedient son, skill or learning which enables one to earn a living – these will make a man’s life happy and joyful. ✪
✪ He who gains control on the six enemies who are ever present in a person,( namely kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada (arrogance), maatsyarya (jealousy)) and who has conquered his senses – sin will not touch that person, what to talk of misfortunes. ✪
✪ One who envies , one who hates, one who is not content, one who is always angry, one who is always suspicious and one who lives on the fortunes of others – these six are always sad. ✪
✪ The following six people show no respect to their benefactors once their need is fulfilled. Students who have completed their studies to their teacher, the married man to his mother, one whose sex urge has been satisfied to the woman, one whose work has been satisfactorily accomplished to the person who did the job, one who has crossed the river to the boatman and one who has recovered from his illness to the doctor. ✪
✪ Good health, not to be in debt, not being forced to live in an alien land, company of good people, earning a livelihood by one’s own skill or knowledge and living without fear – these six things make one’s like happy and joyful. ✪